Monetize your Dating traffic on performance — direct and on API

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The concept:

We are the firm believers in data and efficiency. As marketers, we understand your traffic costs and potential.

When your client enters your landing page they start an exciting journey into the world of online dating. We are all different, and each of us has their own preferences and desires..

Why take chances by offering the client only one product? The in-depth behaviour tracking helps us learn and offer your customers various dating products to make sure they convert. This of course means the highest possible customer LTV and ROI for your campaigns.

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How it works:

1. The landing page

It starts with the landing page.

We offer you a pre-designed suite of high-converting landing pages tested on various traffic sources. You can A/B test all pages and select the best performing ones for every particular traffic source.

2. The offers

The offers are customised for every partner. For testing the waters you can choose one of the generic in-house offers. For the highest performance we recommend running your own brands on your domains.

3. The initial revenue

The initial revenue immediately comes from your own brands. We select the revenue model together with you, based on your traffic generation model and cashflow needs. And this is where most of the dating platforms stop. But not Flirt Revenue.

4. The remarketing

We use AI for big data processing to carefully re-market to your visitors if they do not convert initially. We display upsells for exit and member area traffic, send relevant emails and redirect the traffic that is not converting to 3rd party offers. All of this helps us make sure that you get the maximum ROI for every click you send us.

5. The in-depth reporting

The in-depth reporting that we use for in-house traffic acquisition is readily available to you. It provides you with the best tools on the market to slice and dice your campaigns in order to optimise as much as you possibly can. Track all the revenue including remarketing to the keyword or ad level. See exactly how much every click generated over time.

6. The payouts Apply now

Our payouts are on-point.

You will never have to chase us for the missing payment or settling the discrepancies.

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